Saturday, October 6, 2007

Trail Friendly Radio

What is a TFR? Simply put it is a radio so configured that it is easy to use on the trail, taking into account the lack of conventional furniture we find ourselves in. Most of the time we do not have a table to sit the radio on, and we have no chair to sit on.
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And another article:
"As a youngster, I recall listening with envy on hot summer’s afternoons to people out on hilltops around the country using Liner 2s (perhaps the first generation of commercial 2m SSB equipment). To me it seemed to be the ideal way to operate, out in the countryside on a sunny day. In the 25 years since then I have often thought back to those days and wondered if that idyll was actually achievable. Of course, it’s easy enough to cart a radio with a battery up a hill but I had a rather different idea in mind. I wanted the radio to..." Read more

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